Adventures in Mothering


 Greetings Mothers of Pre-Schoolers! 


Believe it or not, summer is nearing its end, the school year has started, and we are gearing up to start our ’08-’09 MOPS year. We are absolutely excited and think you will be, too!  Just for you, we’ve lined up a great variety of speakers, fun crafts, and we have our wonderful mentor mom, Scarlet Pepin, back this year.  You’re not going to want to miss it! 


The MOPS theme for this year is Adventures in Mothering. I’m sure you’ll agree that this statement says it all!  The theme is based on Ephesians 3:18: “…how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”  God’s love is big enough for the magnitude of our adventure, and we can rest assured that He is along with us for the ride! 


Please read the following information regarding the place and time of our meetings, as well as some other important information. You’ll also find a registration form attached. You can bring your form to the first MOPS meeting or drop it by the TLC office.


Place: The Life Connection (For directions, visit

1015 W. Main

Jenks, OK 74037

NOTE: This year we will be meeting in the sanctuary instead of the fellowship hall – you’ll love the extra room!  Please park & enter on the NORTH side of the building. 


Day and Time: We will be meeting two Wednesdays a month from 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (Childcare will be available at 9:45 a.m.) We will begin September 24th and will provide you with a calendar for the rest of the year at our first meeting. 


Membership: The fees for the Fall Semester are $45, and only $25 for the Spring Semester.  (MOPS International requires a fee of $20.00 a year to be a member, and we require $25 per semester, which combined with sponsorship from The Life Connection, helps to cover our crafts, speaker fees, childcare and children’s crafts).  In return, you will receive the Moms Sense Magazine every other month for one year, a children’s DVD, a devotional book and discounts for items in the MOPShop. You can return your payment with your pre-registration form or pay at the meetings. All checks should be made payable to The Life Connection or TLC.


Registration: Attached is the 2007-2008 registration form. You may bring your form and membership fee to the first meeting, but we would appreciate it if you would RSVP so we can plan our children’s activities.


Childcare: Our children’s program MOPPETS (ages birth to 5 years old), is preparing for a great year. Our director, Alisa Jones, is planning crafts and curriculum based on each age group with wonderful childcare as well as games and Bible stories that will truly make it a positive experience for the children. Hope to see all your little ones there.


Please join us on September 24th for an exciting year of sharing, laughter, and experiencing life together as moms. If you have any questions about our group, feel free to contact me at For more information about MOPS International, go to


If you have any friends or neighbors who would be interested in MOPS, please pass this letter on!


Hope to see you there!

Becca Van Valkenburg

MOPS Publicity


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